With Sydney swaddled she can be held facing you, it is a lot easier to see her this way. She enjoys looking at her mother, and listening to her voice. Sydney still enjoys to kangaroo, so we try and switch up how we hold her.
Sydney is still on the ventilator. She is more stable, and requires less oxygen then she has in the past, but it is still a struggle for her. Within the next few weeks as she has more weight gain this will help her get stronger to be extubated to get on the next step CPAP.
Go Syd Go!
congratulations, 1 pond in two weeks, keep up the good work team! Sydney, you are beautiful
The D'Arcy's
We are very happy to hear this.
What a fighter!
The Damico's
Real good progress!!!Keep up Cutie Sydney.
Congratulations Stephanie- my sister Danielle sent me the link to this website as I have been asking about how you and the baby have been doing. Sydney is beautiful and sounds like a very strong fighter.
She's beautiful. And quite a fighter!! Hilda has been keeping me updated on Sydney's progress. I was thrilled to be directed to this site to see more pictures & read your comments. Mazel Tov.
Carol (cousin & Joe's Mom)
How wonderful! So happy to see that Sydney is growing beautifully!
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